What is Necom?

The NECOM (Neurodinámica Cognitiva y dels Transtorns Mentals) Consolidated Research Group is a platform for exchange of ideas and research for key teams interested in cognitive and pathologic neurodinamics research and clinical applications.

The NECOM Group is supported and recognized by the Generalitat de Catalunya (Grup de Recerca Consolidada de la Generalitat de Catalunya, SGR2005-00831) and is composed by the following teams:

  • Carles Grau Fonollosa (coordinator), Lluis Fuentemilla and Ariadna Jacomet from Neurodynamics Laboratory of the University of Barcelona
  • Antoni Rodríguez Fornells, Ruth de Diego, Toni Cunillera, Estela Cámara, Ana Mestres and David Cucurell from Grup de Ciències Cognitives of the University of Barcelona
  • Josep Maria Sopena and Elisabet Gilboy from Neural Network Signal Parsing of the University of Barcelona
  • Thomas F Münte and Josep Marco-Pallarés from Institut fuer Psychologie II of the University Otto von Guericke of Magdeburg
  • Xavier Rifà from Methodology of Behavioural Sciences Department of the University of Barcelona
  • Carlos Gómez from Unidad de Psicofisiología of the University of Sevilla
  • Rolando Grave de Peralta and Sara González-Andino from Brain Imaging Group
  • Antoni Gual from Servei d'Alcohologia of the Clinic Hospital of Barcelona
  • Jose Emilio Rojo and Oscar Pino from Schizophrenic Unity of the Granollers' Hospital
  • José Toro and Josefina Castro from Unitat de Psicopatologia Infantil i Juvenil of the Clinic Hospital of Barcelona
  • Manuel Valdés from Psiquiatria d'Enllaç of the Clinic Hospital of Barcelona
  • Giulio Ruffini from Starlab
The group is an inter-disciplinary team focusing on fundamental neuroscience, computational methods, clinical aspects and market awareness.

-> Dr. Carles Grau (carlesgrau at ub.edu, UB)
-> Dr. Antoni Rodríguez Fornells (antoni.rodriguez at icrea.es, ICREA)
-> Dr. Josep Marco (josepmarco at hotmail.com, Magdeburg)
-> Dr. Giulio Ruffini (giulio.ruffini at starlab.es, Starlab)


NECOM meeting : "About the information content of Local fild potentials non invasively estimated from the EEG "

NECOM meeting : "About the information content of Local fild potentials non invasively estimated from the EEG " by Rolando Grave de Peralta (Brain Imaging Group)

Abstract: " Local field potentials (LFP) are produced by the electrical activity of large groups of neurons. The temporal structure of LFP codes, in the form of oscillations, reproducible information about neural processes. This information has been proven more efficient in predicting animal behavior or cognitive states than the information carried by the spike rate of individual neurons.
Here, we evaluate the information content (IC) conveyed by non invasively estimated LFP computed from the scalp EEG using the irrotational source model ELECTRA and compare it with EEG and intracranial potentials (IP). The IC is defined as the predictive power attained by each modality in a leave-one-out cross validation procedure. Following results were obtained from more than 25 subjects and several experimental paradigms.
1) In the vast majority of the cases the IC attained by LFP surpass the IC provided by the EEG. Even if the LFP are a “back-projection” of the EEG into the source space, the inversion procedure results in 3D images with increased discriminative power.
2) LFP and IP obtained for the same task have similar predicting power indicating that ELECTRA correctly retrieves the main attributes of the temporal activity of different brain regions and thus is a safe alternative to invasive procedures (as used in BCI).
In conclusion, LFP estimated non-invasively from the scalp EEG are as informative as intracranial potentials obtained by invasive procedures and have more discriminative power than the EEG used to compute it."